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Q: Kuidas viidata faili.info-i definitsioonidele või tsiteerida neid?

A: All Faili content is protected by copyright law. Therefore, if you choose to republish content from faili.info, you must include an appropriate reference or citation wherever the material is published.

Referencing faili.info

Below are some basic instructions for referencing faili.info in different types of publications.

Online: If you reference a file extension or other Faili page in a document published on the web, you may place the following text with a link to faili.info after the content:

[referenced content]

Teave Faili - faililaiendite andmebaas.

Offline: If you reference a page from faili.info in a printed publication, you can use the following citation:

[referenced content]

Information retrieved from faili.info.

In either of the above cases, you may add a link to the actual URL instead of the home page. For example, you may include a link to "https://faili.info/extension/pdf" if you reference the PDF file extension page. Just remember to include a valid link wherever you reference content from faili.info.

Citing faili.info

Below are guidelines for citing information from faili.info, such as in a bibliography or list of references.

Pealkiri: You may use the full title or an abbreviated version, such as "PDF File Extension" instead of "PDF File Extension - What is a .pdf file and how do I open it?"

URL When citing faili.info, you should include the URL of the exact page you are referencing, such as "https://faili.info/extension/pdf."

Autor: Since a team of file format experts adds and updates content on faili.info, there is no need to reference the author in the citation.

kuupäev: Most file extension pages include an "Updated Date" after the program list for a specific file type. If there is no date displayed with the definition, you may use "2006" as the date.

Below are examples of how to cite the PDF File Extension page using APA and MLA citation styles.


PDF File Extension. (2019, February 13). Retrieved from https://faili.info/extension/pdf


"PDF File Extension." faili.info, 13 Feb. 2019, https://faili.info/extension/pdf


More information about the Faili copyright policy can be found on the Kasutustingimused lehel.

If you have any questions about using or referencing content from faili.info, please võta meiega ühendust.

Uuendatud: aprill 25, 2019